8:00 – 9:00:
Find the Gap – untapped opportunities, collaboration, inclusiveness
Session Objective: Share information about the current funded team science grants
Bob (10 minutes) – Welcome and setting the stage: Why Team DOM needs to enhance Team Science


  • Overview of current Clinical Research and Team Science projects in DOM
  • Overview of current basic and translational research involving Team Science
  • Glossary of Team Science projects, faculty involved, departments, schools, external collaborators; community.

*8:15 – 9:00:
Panel discussion and Q&A with faculty from various ranks, lines, disciplines

  • Q&A – potential questions – Defining Team Science in the DOM: what is included? What is not? What criteria will we use to support projects? How important is industry or association supported work vs. federal Team Science grants?

9:00- 9:30:
Accessibility of Team Science infrastructure in the DOM

  • Session Objective: Information about the Team Science infrastructure support in the DOM and how to access resources for Team Science


  • SOM infrastructure in place – “The Clinical Research Ecosystem” including core laboratories NOTE: would not just list core labs.We have TRAM, QSU, SCCR, and many more
  • DOM infrastructure in place to support Clinical Research; Division support vs. dept support
  • Administrative support including grant writing


  • Facilitated discussion and Q&A – potential questions: How can the current resources be made more accessible to all faculty? what else is needed?………
  • What prevents faculty from engaging in Team Science?

9:30 – 10:45:

Targets of opportunity for expanded team science in DOM
Session Objective: immediate opportunities for Team Science in areas of Stanford’s Strength

  • What’s missing from the DOM TS portfolio presented?
  • Where are the areas for growth in the current portfolio?
  • What are the untapped TS opportunities?
  • Who are the additional TS partners beyond DOM?
  • Examples of areas of focus
  • COVID – RECOVER: Stanford’s National leadership as an example DOM’s goal
  • Autoimmunity
  • Cardiometabolic
  • Immune tolerance
  • Cancer research
  • Population Health, Outcomes, Data science,
  • Disparity/equity research, other

Novel cross-cutting Team Science centered around DOM divisions expertise working in collaboration with investigators across Stanford and external partners:
Session Objective: Looking to the future for expansion of TS that is anchored in the DOM

  • Summary of Division Chief Retreat on topic of Team Science (Joy)

Short talks highlighting potential Team Science to address disease-specific areas

  • Solid organ transplantation: racial disparities in outcomes
  • Dyslipidemias: Basic and translational research
  • Obesity: Metabolic/endocrine
  • Diabetes in pregnancy: Endocrinology
  • Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH):
  • Hepatology/Endocrinology
  • Metabolic bone center
  • Aging
  • VA research
  • Vaccines
  • Cancer immunotherapy

12:00 – 12:15
Closing Remarks and invitation to continue the conversations over lunch.

Retreat Learning Objectives:
  1. Define Team Science, what it is, what it isn’t, and why it matters for the Departmen t of Medicine, School of Medicine, University, and Society
  2. Benefits of participation in Team Science on research, funding and career
  3. Understand resources available to help faculty get involved with Team Science
    1. Faculty currently performing Team Science research within the DOM and across the University
    2. Faculty and staff with established connections and collaborators outside Stanford
    3. DoM resources to support this initiative
      1. Administrative, for example program/project managers, research coordinators, IRB and IND assistance, Cores, biobanking, and grant writers
      2. Internal Funding for feasibility studies
      3. Mentorship and Sponsorship

Developing the Narrative:

  • (What) Create awareness and build common understanding of Team Science
  • (Why) Identify the value of Team Science: internal and external networking for early stage careers, contributions to tenure, national exposure and recognition, increased funding opportunities, impactful research across disciplines
  • (How) Identify pathways to, and measures of, success in Team Science
  • Share information about the current funded Team Science grants
  • Share Information about the Team Science infrastructure support in the DOM and how to access it
  • Faculty to share their research efforts and how those could be enhanced by a Team Science approach. NOTE: this one is critical. Pivoting the mindset
  • Highlight faculty who are doing large collaborative projects: discuss how they navigated challenges: could be structured along the continuum of Basic to population; and/or the three DOM priority areas: autoimmunity; cardiometabolic; transplantation immune tolerance
  • Work in opportunity to advance diversity and health disparities
  • Identify new areas for Team Science

Proposed retreat structure:

  • Create Pre-reads for the retreat (slide format) – to include status of team science projects in DOM and available resources – so that we can kick off the day with the discussion (see topics for pre-read in Agenda)
  • Discussions to have formal facilitators to record ideas and create parking lots for related ideas.
  • Consider breakout groups in last 90 minutes to avoid the “firehose” effect of just giving people tons of information during the morning. Engagement vs. listening only